Life Success Notes

Scriptural views on prosperity

The Question of SIN

God knows that the single most devastating thing stopping us from achieving a life of success and achievement is SIN. God knows also how to get rid of sin and in the place of it give me the unlimited power of God that will live in my life. How will I be able to tap into that power.

Romans 2:4

“Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering,not knowing the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”

successfullife Repentance is what I feel. I am sick of my old life. I am sick of living with no power in my life. I am sick of always being helpless. I am sick of always getting mad and losing my temper. I am sick of being a slave to the lusts of the flesh. I am sick of always being depressed and of being discouraged. I am sick of all these bad habits that bind me and limit my life. This feeling I have is called repentance. It is the feeling that God has put in my life telling me that there has got to be more to life than this. I want to achieve more. I want to succeed in every area of my life. I want unlimited power. Are you with me? This is encouraging me. It’s God who has put this feeling in me.

I am studying these things because God, praise Him, has put this in me. He has inspired me to believe I can be all that I can be.

John 6:44

“No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him”

My life has not been what it could have been. There are many things in my life that are totally messed up. But God has been there for me. He is still drawing me. He is inspiring me to reach my God given potential, to live a life of all power. My Creator knows me. He made me. I am made in His image. He has a master plan for me and a master plan for my life. He loves me with a love that is unfathomable and unconditional.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

God loves me with an incredible love.

Romans 5:8

“But God commended his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Success and achievement is not something I have to do alone. God loves me, He draws me. He inspires me. He put it my heart. So I am encouraged. No matter how much of a mess I am, God is still working in my life. I am doing this. Coming? God uses a principle that is taught in life mastery but few people see it. God takes a negative and He makes a positive out of it. He calls us sinners. That’s negative, but He does it for a reason. Here is the reason. In order to achieve my unlimited potential and all that God wants me to be, I have to start eliminating some things in my life and start adding other things that are not there.

motivation The number one thing that I have to eliminate is this thing called SIN. Most people do not realise this. Sin is the number one cause of failure and problems in everybody’s life. This is a true thing. Sin brings certain elements into life. It brings Guilt. Here is a question. If you are feeling guilty can you live a life of all power? No. Sin also brings discouragement. If you are always discouraged, always down can you achieve your full potential? No. It is impossible. Sin brings shame. If you are ashamed of your life. You can’t look people in the eye. You just don’t feel good. Can you ever achieve your potential that way? No way. Sin brings every debilitating emotion that there is. That is why so many people are always discouraged, always powerless, always down, always mad, always angry and there is power in their life to change things. Because of this thing called simply SIN.

How do we get rid of it? How do we get power to live this abundant life that God wants us to enjoy? A life of full achievement and all power. I want that power. I want it with all my heart.

With grateful acknowledgement – Leo Schriven’s amazing All Power Seminars.

Get daily inspiration at Prophetic Verses.

Joseph Walter Brown

July 22, 2008 Posted by | Sin | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Five Steps to Success

God has made me in His image. He has placed in me unlimited power, unlimited potential. What do I have to do to achieve this? There are 5 steps that I must adopt in my life to begin achieving success.

1. Decide to follow God and Bible principles.

2. Decide what you want out of life in every single area.

3. Take specific actions to achieve your purpose and goals.

4. Monitor your results consistently.

5. Be adaptable, make necessary changes, and role model.

thinking womanStep 1. Decide what you want out of life in every single area. This is fundamental. Maybe you have never given God a chance in your life. I am going for this. God has to be in my life.

Step 2. Decide what you want out of life in every single area. Life everlasting. My debts paid. A good marriage. A happy home. Money must not control my life, I must control money. A successful business life, apbGlobal, Success University, the best of Zambia,, Prophetic Verses, my list is long. Decide for yourself reader. Most people wander through life not knowing what they really want. They settle for far less than they are capable of achieving. Your beliefs, everything, must be decided. When that happens life begins to move towards your targets in life. You cannot hit a target until it is in place. You have to know what the target is. Your brain is then activated and has something to work towards. One thing common about all successful men and women. They were clear about what they wanted in life.

Step 3. Take specific actions to achieve your purpose and goals. Most people never get to this point because they spend their time whining. “I don’t know about that. What if I fail? Maybe someday.” Someday never comes. “Maybe I’ll win the lottery tomorrow.” Someday is right now. The road to Someday leads to the town Nowhere. I have decide that I am not going to be anything less than what God has created me to be. I take specific action to improve my life every day. Take one area of life, maybe the physical area, the financial area, the emotional area, the spiritual area, whatever. Take one thing a day and concentrate on that for one day. And improve it 1%. The following day took another area and improved it 1%. The following day you take your emotional life and improved it 1%. How much would you be able to do over a year – 365% improvement. Think of how life would be if it improved 1% a day for a year. That is a thousand % improvement in 3 years. Losers are people that make excuses for not investing in themselves. Improving their minds and lives. “I can’t afford it.” Losers have money for beer. Losers have money for cigarettes. Losers have money for cable television. They have money for football tickets. Money for everything except for investment in their own minds. There are worthy poor and it is our privilege to help them. However there are people who can change their circumstances but don’t. Losers have time for 60 hours of television a week. They have time for parties, they have time for sports and everything except time to improve themselves. Ignorance is one of the greatest enemies of mankind today. In modern society ignorance is self inflicted and inexcusable. Reader you have taken a step to improve or you would not be reading this. It is going to pay dividends for now and for all eternity.

Step 4. Monitor your results consistently. I ask myself if what I am doing is working for me. Am I learning from my mistakes for I certainly make many mistakes.

life of success Step 5. Be adaptable, make necessary changes, and role model. People quit after they fail once or twice. I am learning to make failure my friend. I harness failure. Failure motivates me to attain a greater life of success. Another important choice in life that speeds self development is role modelling. This is following the example of other successful people. If you want to achieve weight loss follow the example of people who have achieved success in weight loss. If you want to achieve financial success role model people who have achieved financial success. If you want a great spiritual life then role model people like Jesus Christ. Anything you want in life role modelling really speeds up the process. Success and achievement always leaves clues. Pick up those clues step by step and then progress is accelerated. It is faster to learn from others than it is to learn from yourself and have to make all those necessary mistakes. There is a trap we often get into by thinking that knowledge is power. No, knowledge by itself is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. The other trap is the intelligence trap. People say to themselves that they have been to college, they have a degree, therefore I know everything. Their lives are not open to learn anything new. We tell our children all the time that if they don’t get good grades they are never going to be successful. This is not true. Exhaustive research has been done on this subject. There is absolutely no correlation whatsoever in having good grades and having success in areas of life like – mental, spiritual, financial and everything else. No correlation at all. You do not have to be intelligent to be successful. Three quarters of America’s millionaires have less than average intelligence.

woman-on-beach Some people say you have to go to college to become intelligent. That is not true also. The majority of the most successful people in every area of life have never spent a single day in college. Fifty three percent of the college graduates in America are working for people that have never finished high school. I believe education is absolutely important. I believe in higher education. That is a very important part of life. Many people go to school, go to college , get a degree, even a PhD after their name and then they think they are going to be successful. There are millions of people all over the world that have high degrees, have high knowledge but their marriage is a disaster. There are people with a PhD after their name, but they are poor, they are broke. There are people that are well educated and are secure in their professions but they cannot master their emotions. They do not know how to master their bodies they are completely out of shape. Lord have mercy on me. If you want success in every area, physically , mentally , spiritually, in everything, in every area of your life do not get into the intelligence trap. Get to the state where you can say I am going to do all that God requires of me. I will follow all the Bible principles. The most powerful person in the world is the one who has achieved totally high and great education but also has mastered the principles of the Bible and lives a life of success and achievement. With that combination you have an incredibly powerful combination.

I thank God for the power He has already given me to live a life of all power. I claim this as a promise from God as a fact already taking place in my life. I believe with all my heart that God has given me all power.

John 1:12 NLV

He gave the right and the power to become children of God to those who received Him. He gave this to those who put their trust in His name.

Proverbs 16:3 NIV

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

With grateful acknowledgement – Leo Schriven’s amazing All Power Seminars.

Get daily inspiration at Prophetic Verses.

Joseph Walter Brown

July 9, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Changing My Behaviour

The solution to every problem we have in life is to change our human behaviour. We do not have a drug problem in the world. We have a human behaviour problem. Teen age pregnancy is not the result of viruses floating around in the universe. Teenage pregnancy is the direct result of a specific human behaviour. If we want to achieve a life of success and power we have got to change all of our human behaviour. All the problems I have in my life, all the problems we have in society, all the problems we have in marriage, all the problems we have with our governments, these all boil down to human behaviour. I realise this. I can change. There are steps that I can take. There are actions that I can take. In our homes, in our churches, in whatever situation we can change and I want to learn how.

Mastery, self mastery comes from taking daily actions. Improve one thing. Improve 1% of your life. Through these small changes and accepting responsibility and recognising that it is my human behaviour that is responsible for everything in my life I can move my life forward in powerful ways. I am going to look at scripture here.

Proverbs 3 :21-23

“Have two goals, wisdom – that is knowing and doing right – and common sense. Don’t let them slip away, for they will fill you with living energy, they will keep you safe from defeat and disaster and from stumbling off the trial.”

businessThese are two things that can begin to move my life in a very powerful way. A consistent weakness that I have is that I do not control the power of my focus and my will. Most of us focus on the negative. “ I don’t feel good. Why do bad things always happen to me? Why am I a failure? Why is life so unfair?” If you focus on that , you will be like that. Whatever we focus on we tend to become in our life.

Most people tend to spend their whole life focusing on minor things.

· How to make a living rather than living a great life.

· Their trials and problems instead of living an abundant life.

· Being discouraged and defeated instead of enthusiastic and achieving.

· On wandering aimlessly through life instead of reaching goals.

Concentrating on all this day to day stuff that is not important at all. And spending time on television, one of the greatest killers of time and inspiration.

Proverbs 12:11

“Hard work means prosperity, only a fool idles away his time.”

You cannot hope to have a life of success if you do not have hope that achievement is going to come your way. Many people just sit around hoping their whole life and doing nothing about it. If you put good stuff into your life you are going to get good stuff out. My mind and my will are the most powerful tools that I have on this planet. God promises that if I follow his principles and use my mind and will properly, I am going to have a life of success.

I can achieve anything I want to because all things are possible through Christ. In a research project done a few years ago Stanford University established that most humans use only 2% of their brain. That means we are all exercising only a very small percentage of our God given potential.

vanityThe very first step for me to perform and achieve is to accept the fact that deep inside of me God has placed a vast bank of wisdom and knowledge and power and potential that I have so far simply failed to withdraw from. I have a million dollars in the bank and I never touch it. My mind is capable of anything. God says, “I can do anything I want with Him”. Unlimited greatness. Unlimited potential. If only 2% of the brain is used what would happen if 4% was used. I would be twice as smart. If I learn to use 6% then I would be at the top 1% of the world population.

God has made me in his image. Unlimited power. Unlimited potential. That is the kind of life God wants to give me. I am going for it!

Most of us went to school, got a good education and got a good job. We were taught how to read and write. We may even have been taught a great profession. But we were never taught how to succeed in life.

With grateful acknowledgement – Leo Schriven’s amazing All Power Seminars.

Get daily inspiration at Prophetic Verses.

Joseph Walter Brown

July 7, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Commit to be Wealthy

The first step to a life of achievement and power and success is to trust and reverence the Lord. Get it together with God. God does not play favourites. We are all created equal. We are all created unique but with equal opportunity. We experience life to the fullest. All successful people realize that, believe that and come to a turning point when they claim responsibility of their life. “ I am responsible for my life and I am going to go forward with my life”.

goodlifeMacDonald’s has over 30,000 outlets and it is reported that they have never had a single outlet fail. Why? MacDonald’s is a proven success system. It simple works. It is the same with life mastery. They are principles in the Word of God. These principles just work. Therefore it follows that if I learn and apply them they should work for me. Same applies to you reader. Let’s explore them.

Mastering life is really not difficult. It boils down to two principles.


1. A desire on your part.

2. A commitment to follow through in your daily life and apply they principles based on the Word of God.

All the dreams then that I have can happen in my life. Most people never commit to become wealthy. This is a fact. Most Christians never commit to become wealthy.

Taking the developed world as an example, consider 100 people at age 65 after 40 years of work:

1 Will be wealthy

4 Will be financially independent.

15 Will have a minimal savings, – not enough to retire on.

80 Will be flat broke, or in debt.

window After years of hard work only 1 will be financially wealthy. Only 4 of them are going to be financially independent and be able to take care of themselves. 15 will have minimal savings but not enough to retire on. 80 out of 100 will be flat broke or in debt. This is shocking because we are living in one of the most affluent societies in the world. This is a terrible way to end up. This is what the Bible says.

Proverbs 3: 16-17

Wisdom gives a long good life, riches, honour, pleasure, and peace.

Every single one of us wants a long good life. Is that not right? Every one of us wants riches. Is that not right? Do you want to be rich? Do you want to have honour and pleasure? I do. Do you want peace? Personal peace? These are the things we all desire the most in life. The only way I am going to get this is to do it God’s way. I must have God’s wisdom and follow the Bible’s plan. Let’s take a look at life. What makes a difference in people quality of life? What makes people think like they think? Act like they act? Behave like they behave? Do the things that they do?

The difference in the quality of peoples life, whether they are successful or not does not come down to capability. What people can do is often very different from what they do. Very different indeed. It boils down to your will. Willpower is something that I have started to exercising. I am learning how to exercise my will. My willpower will change my life. “I want to change my life. I have come to the point in my life where I want to have mastery of my life”.

Millionaires. Let’s take a look at them. 80% of the millionaires in the world are self made. 97% of the millionaires never spent a single day in college. These facts tell us that anybody can achieve success. You do not need to be an intellectual, you don’t have to be anybody special.

Joseph Walter Brown

June 28, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

A start on the practical principles

The honest ownership of a business that is legal, that does not take advantage of people, not lying, cheating or stealing but a productive business delivering quality products that people need and are going to buy anyway and guaranteeing when they get it. This is business. This is called entrepreneurship. Network marketing is all about building a system, an organization, of people that want a better way of life.

It is great when a couple dream together, identify together, see the future together. You must believe that you are going to succeed in your life endeavour. Say that you are a winner. You are going to win because you are going to do the best with your life. You are not going to do anything less than the best. You are going to go after the best.

What is the best? The best is that which the most people will benefit from. Whatever benefits the most people is what you do with your life. Do it gladly. People will criticize and minimize your enterprise, but do it anyway. Motivate yourself and go do what you need to do. Build an organization of people. Build an organization of people that want to be in it because they want to be free. Build an organization of people that are willing to pay the price. Build a team of people that are willing to learn the best so that they can teach the best.

Anybody can make a decision to be a multi millionaire. Anybody can. Anybody can who can believe this unashamedly can become one, if you learn the process. What is the process?

teamwork 1. Work five nights a week. (Keep your job until you are free.)

2. Do the nine things that have been identified as good core habits.

3. Use the three powers that have been identified as essential for success.

3.1. The power of unity, the power of teamwork, pulling together, uplifting and encouraging each other.

3.2. The power of the spoken word.

3.2.1. “You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are taken by the words of your mouth.” Proverbs 6:2.

3.2.2. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21.

3.2.3. When we do this we are making the Word of God, the Bible come alive in our life. You will make the Word of God prove itself over and over again. These are principles, spiritual laws that work for all mankind. No matter what your religion, race or nationality take God on His Word.

3.3. The power of submission.

These ideas will be developed as I continue to blog. But this is noteworthy. Jesus sponsored 12 disciples. The Christian faith was built on the principles of networking. That is where we have learned this system from. Do not be dismayed by people who do not understand that helping other people, uplifting people is the way to Godly prosperity. Truthfully they are going nowhere.

I am thrilled that the Bible is the foundation upon which one can build life.

Joseph Walter Brown

June 25, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success, Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The First Step in a Successful Life

I want to achieve a life of POWER. I want to live a life of full potential to reach my God given potential. This is what the experts say. “No more effort is required to aim high in life, or to demand excellence and success, than is required to accept failure and poverty.” I can with the same effort be successful as I can be a total failure. I really want to be successful in every area of my life. Here is the first step. FORGET THE PAST! Just because I have been a failure. I must master this idea. Just because I was a failure today, or last week, or last month or a failure all my life. A failure in my marriage? A failure in my finances. I doesn’t matter one bit.

Philippians 3:13

I don’t consider that I have taken hold of it yet. But here is the one thing I do. I forget what is behind me. I push hard toward what is ahead of me.

covenant Right! Whatever my past has been, I have put it behind me. I move forward in my life tonight. I can either move forward, or standstill, or go backwards. I am taking the time to move forward. I am putting my life together. I am going to take time to apply everything I learn. I am learning hundreds of things about myself I did not know. I am going to find out how come I do things I shouldn’t do. I am going to learn. My trainer tells me I will explode with power.

There are many personal development programs out there. Many achievement courses that I have in the last three years that I have been attending and yes I can testify they help me. I am excited about my continual development program with Success University. My association with BWW. My association with Toastmasters. All these programs are really good. And they teach the principals of life mastery. I want to add that as a Christian adding the dimension of the spiritual makes this one course powerful. Stay with me. See if I change. The spiritual principles are the single most powerful tool that exist in the universe that we have access to as human beings to change our life and transform our lives into achievement and success.

Proverbs 9:9-1

Teach a wise man. He will become even wiser.  Teach a person who does right. He will learn even more. If you really want to become wise, you must begin by having respect for the Lord. To know the Holy One is to gain understanding.”

If you want understanding in your life, if you want understanding in your marriage, if you want understanding in your emotions, every dimension in your life, if you want understanding it begins with knowing God. Master this and you have begun to understand the first principle of life.

John 15:5

…for without Me you can do nothing.


Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

It means that anything is possible in your life if you do it God’s way. Do you believe that? I do. I can do all things through Christ who is my strength. If you are a Christian then this is powerful. I believe in God’s Word. He cannot lie. That means that I can do all things in every area of my life when I do it God’s way. This here is the most powerful dimension in my life. It is the single most powerful principle that is available which if we master then we have mastery over every dimension of our lives. Success in every area of my life. Prayer, my relationship with God, these are the tools and I am going to master in my life to give me a brand new direction. I want to enjoy life to the full. Here is a wonderful promise to talk to heart.

businesswomanProverbs 2:20

Follow the steps of the Godly instead, and stay on the right path,

for only good men enjoy life to the full.”

Here lies the elements necessary to live a successful life. These are coming from the Scriptures and therefore I pray that as we pursue success we will not be misunderstood. The Book of Proverbs is dedicated to life mastery. It was written by one of the wisest, one of the most successful, one of the most highly achieved men, certainly one of the richest and wealthiest that has ever lived. His name King Solomon. He had a lot of wisdom. He had an incredible insight into life. He wrote Proverbs. It is nothing but a book of wisdom.

In the beginning of the book he gives the reasons why he wrote.

Proverb 1:1-7

These are the proverbs of king Solomon of Israel, he wrote them to teach his people how to live, how to act in every circumstance, for he wanted them to be understanding, just, and fair in everything that they did. “I want to make the simple minded wise,” he said. “I want to warn young men about some problems they will face. I want those that are wise to become the wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth. How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!”

That is the first step. I want to understand what God says on the subject of success.

Joseph Walter Brown

June 21, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Whatever benefits the most people

The honest ownership of a business that is legal, that does not take advantage of people, not lying, cheating or stealing but a productive business delivering quality products that people need and are going to buy anyway and guaranteeing when they get it. This is business. This is called entrepreneurship. 

worshipIt is great when a couple dream together, identify together, see the future together. You must believe that you are going to succeed in your life endeavour. Say that you are a winner. You are going to win because you are going to do the best with your life. You are not going to do anything less than the best. You are going to go after the best.

What is the best? The best is that which the most people will benefit from. Whatever benefits the most people is what you do with your life. Do it gladly. People will criticize and minimize your enterprise, but do it anyway. Motivate yourself and go do what you need to do. Build an organization of people. Build an organization of people that want to be in it because they want to be free. Build an organization of people that are willing to pay the price. Build a team of people that are willing to learn the best so that they can teach the best.

Anybody can make a decision to be a multi millionaire. Anybody can. Anybody can who can believe this unashamedly can become one, if you learn the process. What is the process?

1. Work five nights a week. (You will keep your job until you are free.)

2. Do the nine things that have been identified as good core habits.

3. Use the three powers that have been identified as essential for success.

3.1. The power of unity, the power of teamwork, pulling together, uplifting and encouraging each other.

3.2. The power of the spoken word.

3.2.1. “You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are taken by the words of your mouth.” Proverbs 6:2.

3.2.2. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21.

drinking3.2.3. When we do this we are making the Word of God, the Bible come alive in our life. You will make the Word of God prove itself over and over again. These are principles, spiritual laws that work for all mankind. I invite you no matter what your religion, race or nationality to take God on His Word.

3.3. The power of submission.

These ideas will be developed as I continue to blog. But this is noteworthy. Jesus sponsored 12 disciples. The Christian faith was built on the principles of networking. That is where we have learned this system from. Do not be dismayed by people who do not understand that helping other people, uplifting people is the way to Godly prosperity. Truthfully they are going nowhere.

I am thrilled that the Bible is the foundation on which one can build life upon.

Joseph Walter Brown

June 13, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success, Success | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Anchored in the Word

The principles of success are amazingly powerful and many different world views embrace them. But what differentiates the Christian life success message from that of the atheist, the humanitarian or the New Age movement? We all talk about positive thinking, dreaming, goal-setting, believing in yourself, the mastermind principle, the power of the subconscious, mentorship and association, communication… Don’t miss a success boat that can move you from an ordinary life to an extra-ordinary one. We have a responsibility to be everything that God planned for us to be.

handhold So what distinguishes the Christian view point? I believe our boat is uniquely anchored in God’s Word. This prevents us from drifting, and from being buffeted around by every current or wind of doctrine. We need a firm stable anchor. He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:6 NIV.

If we have drifted off course in our lives, we can come back to God. In fact the Lord invites us to. Admit that you rebelled against the Lord your God… I will bring you back to the land of Israel… And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:13-15 NLT. I desire those shepherds, or mentors, sent from God, to guide me with knowledge and understanding.

Don’t get caught up in a sweeping tide of indulgence and luxury. Always remember that it is God who gives prosperity, so that we can share with others. Jesus advises us not to trust in riches. Get riches but don’t trust in them. Anchor yourself in these truths and you will stay steady as you develop and achieve.

Julia Rosamund Brown

June 11, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success, Dreams, Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A definition of network marketing

The incredible truth is that man, the crowning act of God’s creation, has the ability to keep on growing. You can limit yourself to any level you want or you can continue growing. Happiness is overcoming to become. Happiness is found when you are accomplishing a worthwhile God-given goal. Many people go to school and when they come out of it they say, “That’s it.” And their growth stops at that point. When that happens it’s a great shame.Your life should always have new things in it that you have identified you want to do. Always have new things to accomplish. Have new ladders to climb. The first projects may be small in comparison to later projects. Learn to dream bigger and bigger. Plan to make an impact on the world.

boy Entrepreneurship is business. It’s helping people get what they need. This will give you freedom. I desire to have personal freedom. A good government can provide the environment to create economic freedom. However the only one who can give you economic freedom is you! No one should rejoice in poverty. No one should get up in the morning and say, “I am happy to be poor.” When you are poor you are an unused person. You are not using your God-given talents. Everybody has unused ability. Therefore for God’s glory we need to be continually growing. Learning to use even some of your ability will enable you to be a positive in this world rather than a negative.

Why do you want to be successful? One thing may be to gain freedom from your job. A job takes your most precious commodity, time, which you exchange for money. To make more money you have to surrender more time. That method of occupation does not give you freedom. A good reason to be successful is to own yourself. Success allows you to control your economic future.

Why do people fail? People fail because they get a few basic things wrong. You need to change things. You need to take charge of your life. You need to say, “I am going for the good life”. Does this mean money? No! Money is just a measuring device. Many people think that God wants them to be poor. I do not think so. I believe that God wants me to be very successful. It is a sad truth that poor people cannot help each other.

Wealth attracts. Poverty repels. But there is a price for success. The price is developing your God-given talents. Talents are required to be able to help people. And it is necessary to be free, to be in a position where you can help others. That is why it is important to work towards owning your own business. It is important to call your own shots. It is important to do what it takes, especially when the work is helping and uplifting your fellow human beings to succeed.

girl Why doesn’t everyone make it? The only person that controls whether you make it or not is yourself. If you make it, it will be because you paid the price. If you do not make it, it will be because you were not willing to make the changes in your life that constitute paying the price. Many criticize network marketing. But it remains the best system on this planet for allowing ordinary people to take a shot at changing their lives for the better.

What is network marketing? It involves building a system for growth and an organization of people who want a better way of life. The work is building, uplifting and encouraging people to improve their lives, looking for and finding something positive in a person and go from there.

Let the weakling say, “I am strong!” Joel 3:10. Let the poor say, “I am rich.”

To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Matthew 25:15. Will you use your God-given talents for His glory?

Joseph Walter Brown

June 11, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success, Network Marketing, Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blessings or Curses

One of the greatest gifts that you can give your parents if they are living is success principles, success thinking. To see these principles of God work for you and work for your family is a blessing from God. To see these Godly principles work for me and to see them work for my wife has been and is a tremendous blessing. Our desire is to see these Godly principles work for our children, including our church family. One of the greatest gifts that you can give your children is economic freedom.

success In a free enterprise system this means having your own business. This means being an entrepreneur. Be proud of this. Be proud that you are creating jobs. Be proud that you are doing something that is beneficial to a lot of people. The more people benefit from your life, the more successful you become. This is a basic principle, this is a key to life that is not taught in school and it is not taught in college. People must benefit from your life. It is not OK to just take in life, you must give. Figure out, dear friend, what you can give in life not what you can take. The greatest giver is where the greatest wealth is.

There are many businesses one can do and all of them are important for the economy of a country. One type of business is a network marketing business where you can start for very low capital investment. Network marketing requires that you help other people succeed. The business is about people. You have to learn to relate to people. You learn to understand the nature of man. Now if you are sharing the gospel the principles are the same, absolutely. Therefore ask this, my brother. What skill set do you need to share and complete the work of the Master?

Succeed in life friend, so that you can set an example for your children. You mother and father can be proud of you. There are many Christians who say you should not be rich in society today and they believe they can back up these claims with God’s Word. We shall be examining these things. Why did God give us a brain that can do 20,000 trillion calculations a second? 20,000 trillion a second in a 1.5kg brain mass. Why would God give us such a brain?

Deuteronomy 28 declares that poverty is a curse and God wants us to have the blessings. ‘But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today.’  Deuteronomy 8:18.

Learn & Earn Wealth is created through His power and might. Amen. I have a dream. I have a vision. I know where I am going. He has put me at the right place, at the right time, with the right people to fulfil His plans for me. He does this through my subconscious and I can say, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’  Matthew 19:25.

Joseph Walter Brown

June 6, 2008 Posted by | Biblical Success, Success | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment